Meet a Musician: Marcie Walzel

I enjoy attending music and sporting events with my husband, Bob. We get together with our two children (Kaelyn, 23, and Robby, 21) and both sides of our families as often as we can.  I also enjoy running, weight classes, practicing my horn and being with friends!

What was the first piece of sheet music you bought?

I don’t really remember, but the first piece of sheet music I played on French Horn was Song of the City, my first solo piece in 7th grade.

If you had to choose another musical instrument to play, what would it be and why?

I have made other choices along the way, but my main instrument has always been horn. I played trombone in the high school marching band and “trap set” in our high school jazz band! That was a blast!

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment to be as a musician?

This is a difficult one to answer. It really is twofold. I started in performance as an undergraduate at Weber State College in Ogden, Utah. While I was there I also took music education courses and found that I also enjoyed teaching. After graduating with an undergraduate degree in education, I earned my masters degree in performance at Arizona State University. Thankfully, I have had opportunities to play and teach music everywhere I’ve lived (Arizona, Texas, Utah, and now here in Kansas). I love my teaching job at Southwest Middle School, assisting Deb Woodall-Routledge. I also have a private horn studio. I enjoy performing with LCO, DeSoto Brass, Lawrence City Band, and other freelancing “gigs” in the area.

If you could put together a quartet of three other musicians, dead or alive, to play with, who would you choose and why?

The following combination of musicians would make an odd quartet. But, afew of my favorite musicians are: Barb Adamcik, who I sat next to in the Midland/Odessa Symphony. She is a fabulous player, who went on to become principal in Knoxville Symphony, and is a lifetime friend. Tony Brittin, is a former professor of horn at Texas Tech. I was fortunate to play with him in the Lubbock Symphony. What a brilliant performer and teacher; I really miss playing with him! The third, and most important musician, is my husband, Bob. We have performed together in many ensembles through the years….I have yet to hear a better clarinetist!

What has been your favorite Lawrence Community Orchestra experience?

I have enjoyed all of the concerts, but am really looking forward to Dvorak and Smetana to open the season this year!

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My web design experience goes back twenty years, first directing large corporate websites where I got to learn best-of-class digital design principles and usability. Today through Indigo Designworks, I bring that expertise to clients, ranging from branding and business presentation online for new businesses, to helping take business concepts to the next level for existing ones. I also bring a deep understanding of what tools and support clients will need to effectively manage their websites and social media campaigns after launch


Meet a Musician: Erin Wood